Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It is a Communication Gap!

The Congress party amazes me by the priceless way they work! It is a political party and they can do what they please.  If the voting public like them they will remain in power or else they would get booted out.  Why should it matter to others?

It would when they deal with people outside the party.  The Congress President is not a mere president.  She is now close to a monarch, an empress, whose wishes are commands for the people within the Congress.  Within the party, a glance from her would ensure that her desire shall be done.  Any one daring to question her would be immediately pensioned and put to pasture. Now, Congress party leaders and members know that very well.

So when Sonia Gandhi meets you, non-Congress fellows should understand this.  They should understand even before audience is granted to you, your case has been cogitated by the spin doctors and they also agree that an audience can be granted.  So the students from JNU and such organizations should realise that they have got a royal decree when she tell them that she would look in to it.  These kids do not understand that emperors and empresses are not to be questioned or doubted!!

When Shinde (Home Affairs Minister) tells us on TV that “Soniaji has met them, what more do they want?”, his surprise is genuine.  Even reasonably senior Congress men do not get to meet her.  So anyone who gets to meet her should consider it a blessing.  When an emperor promises you that you have been heard, you are supposed to genuflect and come away.  And wait for the minions to come to you with the purse.  One is not supposed to say things like “We have heard assurances before” kind of stuff.

While the Congress party is living in the feudal times of 18th century, the youngsters are living in the 21st Century.  Their incredulity is born of their natural scepticism of most establishments; the Congressmen’s amazement that anyone could doubt the promise made by Sonia Gandhi is also genuine.  The communication gap is understandable.


1 comment:

Jawahar said...

We are a feudal society regardless of our perception of a 60+ year old democracy. The rulers and the ruled both love the status quo of this perception.
I believe all the firebrand idealism of youth dies in the crushing reality that awaits them as they grow into middle age and realise how difficult and impossible it is to change anything.